, best known as a source for nautical data, has announced a new service and website --, which allows you to transfer Google Maps data and KML files directly to Garmin receivers, or download them as GPX files. The site utilizes the new Garmin Communicator plugin.
I just gave it a try and it worked very well. Output can be downloaded as waypoints, tracks and routes. The team there has put together a great video (shown below, after the jump) that does an excellent job of showing you how. It's really pretty simple.
Only seems to work for maps using static pushpins. Dynamic pins don't appear to work. For example, I tried to use the google gasbuddy tool to show local gas stations and prices and then take-it-with-me. Unfortunately, takitwithme choked on this map. I had to select every gas station individually and save them to a mymap before takitwithme would parse it. VERY Tedious! I suspect they are trying to prevent this exact behavior. :)
Posted by: Larry C | July 17, 2007 at 04:44 PM
Yeah, I tried it with GMaptoGPX. It didn't work with that either.
Posted by: Rich Owings | July 17, 2007 at 04:58 PM
Look at this blog about Navi2Go. It looks like a cool stuff.
Posted by: Niv | July 22, 2007 at 09:49 AM
niv, i looked at that navigo site and it does NOT work and now my computer is not working well after it crashed my browser and install all bunch of stuff on it
i tried again and got huge pixels where a map should appear
i get annoyed by the way they put junkie software and expect us to become their unpaid testers LOL there are serious navigation programs from serious vendoers and some of them are even free but not crashing and harming your computer!
on my opinion it's a pile of junk but maybe you have more luck than me -- on your OWN risk
Posted by: John | August 13, 2007 at 06:42 AM