Though it's not really a mapping program per se,
EasyGPS is a great piece of software, especially suited for those just beginning to learn the capabilities of their GPS. You may not be ready to spend money on a sophisticated mapping program yet, but you're piling up waypoints faster than your GPS receiver's memory can handle them (many have a limit of 500 waypoints).
Well, EasyGPS is the answer, and it's free. In addition to handling waypoints, you can also create routes with it. Plus, it's geocaching friendly, because it handles both .loc and .gpx format files.
Shameless plug -- There is a chapter on EasyGPS (and over a dozen other GPS programs) in my book -- GPS Mapping: Make Your Own Maps.
Other posts in this series:
unfortunately the software is pc only...
Posted by: maique | September 14, 2006 at 01:06 PM
I nead software and maps for Sudan in Africa we are doing telecomunication rollout in the country and I need to plot the base stations on the software and print the maps for construction teams to lacate the sites. Can you please help
Posted by: Lukas Ferreira | December 15, 2007 at 02:37 AM
Check out this post:
Then this post:
I think that will get you started.
Posted by: Rich Owings | December 15, 2007 at 11:56 AM